“Myla’s face lit up like a kid on Christmas morning! In that moment, nothing else mattered but the pure joy it was bringing her knowing that total strangers did that for her. The card launch gave us all such happiness at seeing the sparkle in Myla’s eyes that we had rarely seen in the two and a half years of treatment.”
– Katie Brickner
Donate Belief
1 shout-out/mention on our social Facebook and Instagram.
Materials dropped off for 5 cards to be decorated by business employees.
Business name listed as a sponsor on the Executive Director letter to recipient families.
Business name listed as a sponsor at Card Launch Drawing Parties.
Business name displayed as sponsor on our website (no link).
Donate Joy
1 shout-out/mention on our social Facebook and Instagram.
Materials dropped off for 10 cards to be decorated by business employees.
Recognition on all event-related press releases
Business logo included on the Executive Director letter to recipient families.
Business logo displayed as a sponsor at Card Launch Drawing Parties.
Business logo listed as sponsor on our website with link.
Donate Peace
2 shout-outs/mentions on our social Facebook and Instagram.
Recognition on all event-related press releases
Card Launch Drawing Party hosted at business location as a team building event, including snacks (up to 50 participants).
Business logo predominantly displayed on the Executive Director letter to recipient families.
Business logo predominantly displayed as a sponsor at Card Launch Drawing Parties + registration for up to 5 participants.
Business logo predominantly listed as sponsor on our website with link.
Logo included on the signature line of the gift card recipient families receive.
Become a Corporate Sponsor Now
More Ways to Give
Want to donate, but don’t have cash on hand? No worries, Simply scan our QR code to donate to Operation Surprise Attack on Venmo!
A Special Thank You to our Partners & Sponsors